The Quantum Leap: From Assistant to Senior Minister (L10)

Adrian Beavis uses his own experience of transitioning from assistant to senior minister to give wisdom and advice for those affected by this process, whether a minister about to change roles, a church receiving a new senior minister or those who oversee them.

Taking the reins as a senior minister is a quantum leap that is difficult to prepare for—research has shown that most first-time ministers take 3 years to adapt to the new role.

This booklet is packed with wisdom on the hard way and how to ease the transition, with advice on handling the loneliness of leadership, avoiding comparisons with your predecessor and looking after not only the building, but most importantly, yourself. It also contains valuable insights for churches about to receive a new leader, and for those who train and oversee senior ministers.

The Grove Leadership Series is a partnership between CPAS and Grove Books, offering fresh thinking and ideas to ensure the difference leadership makes is biblical, thoughtful and practical. Grove Booklets are fast moving explorations of Christian life and ministry: 'Not the last word ... but often the first'. 

Price: £3.95