An Incredible Journey

This year the teaching theme at Carroty Wood 2, one of our Falcon holidays, took the 8-11 year olds all over Luke’s Gospel… and the world!

An Incredible Journey involved travelling to a new terrain each evening and hearing a Bible story which linked to that place.

Each Bible story had a key message which the children then talked about the next morning in their small group time.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep: The children learnt that Jesus cares about every person’s journey and longs for them to be on his path.

Jesus Calms the Storm: The leaders talked to the 8-11s about how life isn’t always easy, but Jesus will be with us on our journey.

Zacchaeus the Tax Collector: The children learnt how Jesus can turn anyone’s life around to the right path if they are sorry for their mistakes.

The Cross and Resurrection: Everyone heard about what Jesus has done for them and was invited to continue their journey with him beyond the holiday.

They also sang the ‘Jesus on My Journey’ theme song (they even sang it twice on the last night!). Leader Charlotte said: ‘A big highlight for me was hearing 30 kids singing to Jesus at the top of their voices. I saw the children becoming happier and more outgoing. The difference a week on a Falcon can make in a difficult year in a young person’s life is amazing.’

Overall leader Joy Johnson said: ‘We loved our “incredible journey” on the Falcon this year. Thank you so much to everyone for their support and prayers. It was an amazing, challenging week where the children giggled a lot and had a brilliant time. Our hope and prayer is that they will not forget what they have heard about Jesus and all the fun they have had.

‘For eight of the children, this summer was their final year with us as they are now 11. We prayed for them all and gave them a Bible to take away with them. As they move on and start secondary school, we’d love them to continue having links with Christians and we hope they are able to attend another holiday for an older age group next year.’

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