EPCC Clergy Register

CPAS patronage administers a register of evangelical clergy looking for a move. The EPCC clergy register is shared with other evangelical patronage trusts and seen by a significant number of bishops and archdeacons, and some individual private patrons.
CPAS has informal, but fruitful associations with other trusts linked through the Evangelical Patronage Consultative Council (EPCC) and we administer, on their behalf, the register of clergy looking for an incumbency.
In its pastoral role of aiding ministers CPAS is concerned to see that names are not overlooked or forgotten and, therefore, keeps the EPCC continually aware of the names of those looking for new appointments.
One vital part of the process is for clergy coming on to the EPCC register to have a personal meeting with either the patronage secretary or one of the patronage trustees. This helps to ensure a more personal link and brings the details on the registration form to life. When the form is received, we will arrange an interview.
The processes of finding a new appointment can be lengthy, but your name will be considered as and when vacancies arise. If, however, after an interval you haven't heard anything, please do not hesitate to contact us.
When requested by PCCs, the trustees advertise vacancies in the church press and the list issued by the clergy appointments adviser. If you see an advertisement for a post that interests you, make sure you ask for details and apply (rather than assume that the trustees will consider you automatically).
Sometimes, information about our vacancies is circulated in less formal ways (i.e. diocesan newsletters). If you hear about a vacant post in any way at all, please do not hesitate to contact us, if you would like to be considered.
If the vacancy is not being advertised, the trustees refer to the EPCC register and you will be invited to apply if they consider you to match the requirements of the PCC parish profile.
EPCC Registration Form
The form is designed so that clergy who are looking for moves can have their details circulated to the evangelical patronage trusts.
Under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 you have the right to see information kept about you and this will be pointed out to your referee.
The CPAS trustees will also require a job reference when a particular post is in view. References are made available to the legally appointed PCC representatives.
As receiving bishops will wish to obtain a reference from the diocesan bishop of any candidate being considered for a vacancy in their dioceses, it is recommended that your bishop is informed of your intention to have your name entered in the EPCC register. If you have any queries, please do get in touch.