Resources for the Recovery Phase

CPAS has produced a wide range of free resources to enable church leaders to lead their congregations and communities through the recovery phase of the pandemic.
Since the start of the pandemic, we have been running free webinars for church leaders. In one of these webinars, we suggested that the country would soon enter the recovery phase of the pandemic. Churches have a great opportunity to help people process their experience of the pandemic during this time. Below are a range of resources for church leaders.
Watch the webinar and the talk given by James Lawrence explaining how to approach the recovery phase (linked above). You can download the related handout, and also a resource sheet for the webinar with links to other resources. We’ve also provided some of the slides for you to share with your leaders to help explain the recovery phase and the opportunity it presents.
- Leading through the Recovery Phase Handouts
- Leading through the Recovery Phase Resources
- Leading through the Recovery slides for leaders
To help you lead through this season we have created a leader’s guide, and a series of service, event and premise use outlines.
- A Recovery Event on Zoom
- A Guide to Leading Through Recovery
- Creating a Space for Recovery
- Recovery Order of Service
The following guides are to distribute throughout your congregations and community. Each can be sent to people to help them process their experience of the pandemic. There is one for church adults, one for families, one for non-church attending adults, and one for young people. Please note these are editable pdfs, so you can type your own church details at the bottom of page 2 and resave the pdf with those details before sending it out.
- My Pandemic Experience - Church
- My Pandemic Experience - Community
- My Pandemic Experience - Young People
- Our Family Pandemic Experience
These two resources are linked within the my pandemic experience sheets above, but can also be used separately.
See all COVID-19 response resources and events, including details of upcoming webinars.