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How we help

CPAS equips local churches to share the good news of Jesus through training, events and resources for you, your church and your diocese. We also advertise jobs in ministry at our patronage churches and elsewhere. bubble_image_about_us.png

How we help

How we help

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

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Lead On article by Adrian Beavis. Visit a new place and it can be quite easy to assess the culture you have stepped into. A church is no exception. But not all parts of a church culture are healthy. Adrian gives guidance on how to go about the slow process of culture change.

Lead On article by John Dunnett. Sometimes a toxic culture can be built without anyone realising it. Rather than a DIY to building your own, John explores these seven steps to help avoid the accidental creation of a toxic culture.

Lead On article by Jonathan Wilson. Change comes at a cost, but in a world where consumerism has permeated the lifeblood of not only society but the Church, entitlement, happiness and an easy life have become idols. Are you prepared for the cost of creating change through your leadership?

Lead On article by Alastair McKay. When in a position of leadership there are bound to be times of conflict. Alastair is executive director of Bridge Builders, an organisation committed to helping leaders handle conflict well.