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How we help

CPAS equips local churches to share the good news of Jesus through training, events and resources for you, your church and your diocese. We also advertise jobs in ministry at our patronage churches and elsewhere. bubble_image_about_us.png

How we help

How we help

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

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Lead On article by Charles Burgess.  Many of us have had to rethink our mission actions plans and vision documents in recent months. Others of us are wondering if you can plan anything in a time of uncertainty. Eight tips for enabling action.

Lead On article by John Dunnett. John suggests three ways that we as leaders can discern vision and remain in Christ, building on the wide variety of materials already written on the subject of vision.

Lead On article by Rob Bewley. ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ Are we sure about that? Rob suggests that we may have misinterpreted this often-quoted verse in leadership circles. 

Lead On article by Rod Street. Sometimes to think big you've got to start small. Rod explores whether small habit changes may be more important than big visions to change churches.