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How we help

CPAS equips local churches to share the good news of Jesus through training, events and resources for you, your church and your diocese. We also advertise jobs in ministry at our patronage churches and elsewhere. bubble_image_about_us.png

How we help

How we help

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

We work with leaders, local churches and dioceses in a number of different ways to support mission and evangelism. We also advertise ministry roles at our patronage churches and elsewhere.

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Lead On article by Adrian Beavis. Diversity is one of the keys to an effective team. If we just have people 'like us' it will be dull, lack creativity, and often be ineffective. Yet having diversity on a team is also a challenge, as we have to learn to work well with people who aren't like us.

Lead On article by Charles Burgess. It's a common occurrence that those who help out each week at church are the same select few. Why is it so hard to get others involved? Charles gives insight into this and practical ways to address the issue. On article by Graham Archer. 'My people are too busy, I don't like to ask them to do things' seems to be commonly said in church settings. But is it their busyness...

Lead On article by Charles Burgess. We all have different skills and preferences, and often these can influence how we lead. Charles explores how differences amongst people in church can work together, and what we can do to recognise our practical responses. 

Lead On article by Sami Watts. Whether it is football in the park or an activity in church, leadership skills are important when organising such teams. Sami reminds us of such skills and how to lead effectively.