Ben Randall, Vicar of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Middle Tennessee (USA) used the Growing Leaders course when he was a curate in West Yorkshire, England.
'We used the course in early 2017, when I was a curate at Pudsey Parish Church in West Yorkshire. My Training Incumbent, the Rector, was familiar with Growing Leaders and decided to ask me to lead it. He thought a great deal of the course and felt there was enough untapped potential among some of the younger adults in the church to run it again.
'Within the course there are three main sessions; Firm foundations for Christian leadership, Key skills for Christian leadership, and Keeping faithful in Christian leadership. I found there was useful and profound material in every session.
'Growing Leaders was very helpful for those participants who came every week; full of biblical insights into how we can be effective leaders and faithful to God at the same time.
'We found that there was more than enough information in the course for those of us leading it and for the participants.
'I’ve seen a greater confidence in the participants since doing the course; a sense of empowerment to push some boundaries and wake some sleeping dogs!
'I’d absolutely recommend the Growing Leaders course, and if others in the church showed an interest I would definitely run it again. But it demands a special group of people – people who are really, genuinely hungry for what the course offers.
'I find that there is nothing more important than developing mission-minded leaders within our churches. As the Church declines and contracts, we need more men and women willing to stick their necks out and take some risks. I really do see Growing Leaders playing a role to encourage just that.'